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What are the best books for learning AutoCAD Mechanical?

AutoCAD stands for Automated Computer-Aided Design. This is a software program for drafting and designing. It features a straightforward user interface with built-in design layouts for its users.

AutoCAD Mechanical Design Software is a version of AutoCAD that has been designed specifically for the manufacturing industry. It comes as part of the Digital Prototyping package and includes all of AutoCAD's features. It also has as libraries of standards-based parts and tools to help automate basic mechanical CAD activities and speed up the design process.

AutoCAD Mechanical is a sophisticated add-on to regular AutoCAD design and 2D drawing software. It provides specialized capabilities for the manufacturing, engineering, and mechanical design industries, as well as businesses that use digital prototyping workflows.

AutoCAD Mechanical CAD software enhances productivity by up to 65% over 2D CAD software. This allows clients to complete projects in far less time than they could with regular AutoCAD, lowering project costs and increasing profitability.

Here are some books to help you learn about AutoCAD!

1. AutoCAD 2019 From Zero to Hero by Zico P. Putra, Ali Akbar

Whether you're taking an instructor-led course or learning on your own, the goal of this book is to provide you a thorough understanding of AutoCAD. In tutorial-oriented books, precise information is difficult to find. Defying that, AutoCAD 2019 From Zero to Hero is an excellent reference guide. This book will assist you in becoming an AutoCAD expert. It has been completely updated to include all of AutoCAD's new features.

2. AutoCAD 2018 3D Modelling by M.Hamad

This book walks new and experienced users through creating and updating 3D models, working with cameras and lights, assigning materials to objects, rendering, and printing in detail. It uses both metric and imperial units to explain the many capabilities available in AutoCAD, unlike many of its competitors.

3. AutoCAD Mechanical 2020 Essentials by Ascent - Center for Technical Knowledge

The AutoCAD Mechanical 2020 Essentials learning guide teaches students how to utilise the AutoCAD Mechanical software by covering the essential core concepts. Students gain the knowledge needed to speed the mechanical design process through a hands-on and practice-intensive programme.

4. AutoCAD 2020 Beginning and Intermediate by M.Hamad

This is the most thorough book on AutoCAD 2020 – 2D Drafting that you will find. It employs both metric and imperial units to explain the various drawing and editing capabilities for this popular application, covering all of the 2D ideas.

AutoCAD Mechanical's powerful mechanical design and engineering-biased toolset simplify and accelerate the design process. It does that with the help of over 700,000 mechanical parts and components, machinery generators, and calculators, as well as Autodesk Inventor Fusion. This allows intelligent re-use and direct manipulation of a variety of 3D file formats.

AutoCAD Mechanical's extended drafting capabilities provide even more productivity gains. As a result, this mechanical CAD software solution becomes a must-have for mechanical design and engineering professionals working in a primarily 2D environment.


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